I composed the bot's intents, training phrases, and responses on the Dialogflow platform.
School Guardian Bot is the ultimate challenge of the Hello Bot immersion course. I've learned about artificial intelligence, NLP, NLU, intents, and how the algorithm classifies user inputs.
You can find the School Guardian Bot in the lower right corner of this page. Say hello! 🤖
What was at stake
Creating the intentions, their respective training phrases, and designing the responses.
How I solved the problem
I worked with the Dialogflow platform, integrating the code through Dialogflow Messenger.
Dialogflow platform.
Sorry, I didn't get it. Could you rephrase that? 🤣
It's gratifying to come to the end of an intense week of studies and see that every night asleep was worth it. With this course, I understood in a simple way how to interpret user inputs and create intentions. Thus, I understood the importance of good training phrases, generating responses that will guide the user in the best possible way.
Working with an intuitive platform also helped a lot, but the highlight of the course was understanding the various areas and skills that this profession covers. Training a bot is like training a child: it goes very deep. I conclude that the more I understand about robots, the more I get about myself.
That is amazing. And it's just the beginning. School Guardian bot has left the chat. Thank you! 💜